| Ian Davenport

Lake No.1 (Tide), 2023
Acrylic on aluminium panels
280 x 592 x 447 cm

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Presented by Waddington Custot

Lake No.1 (Tide) (2023) features lines of poured paint that flow down the length of the wall, and into a pool of colour that extends over four metres across the floor. Developed over several months in Davenport’s studio in Peckham, south east London, this large-scale installation is a natural progression for his work. In recent years Davenport has been working on an ever more ambitious scale: in 2017 he was invited to make a 14- metre long painting for the Giardini at the Venice Biennale; 2022 saw the opening of a site-specific installation on the steps of the Chiostro del Bramante in Rome. The artist says: “Working on a large scale… brings out certain themes in painting that interest me. I can allow the paint to behave more like a sculptural entity: it is manipulated by me but also by gravity, and the work has a pronounced relationship to the floor, much like a sculpture”.

Ian Davenport Studio. Courtesy of Waddington Custot.

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